Title I Parent Center/ Community School Education Center

Outreach Resource Centers
- Bogue Homa Education Resource Center – 601-649-1170
- Crystal Ridge Education Resource Center – 622-773-6669
Bogue Homa and Crystal Ridge Education Resource Centers are equipped with state of the art computer systems with internet access. Both Centers offer a wide variety of educational resources for children, parents and community members. After-school tutoring is offered Monday through Thursday from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. For further information contact Heather Adams at 601-663-7640.
Mobile Education Resource Center
This unique educational resource bus is an on–wheels version of the Community School Education Center. The bus is designed to promote parent involvement by providing access to technology and enrichment activities. For further information contact Dianne Johnston at 601-656-5724, Heather Adams at 601-663-7640 or visit our web page on the Choctaw Tribal School’s website.
Description and Goals
Choctaw Tribal School’s parent involvement programs are designed to
serve parents and students in the six Choctaw communities. Each center's
staff strives to enhance learning through a wide variety of materials
and learning strategies that promote learning opportunities for all
ages. The Centers provide educational enrichment for Tribal students in
six elementary schools, one middle school, and one high school. The
schools are located within a seventy-mile radius of the Office of Tribal
Parental involvement programs include the following:
- Title I Parent Center & The Community/School Education Center
- Parent & Family Engagement Board
- Mobile Education Resource Center
- Bogue Homa Education Resource Center
- Crystal Ridge Education Resource Center
of the Centers are to bring home, school and the community closer
together, to encourage parents to be teachers of their children, and to
help ensure that Choctaw children retain their unique cultural heritage.
Services Provided
- Mobile Education Resource Center
- “I Care” Positive Parenting & Mentoring Curriculum
- Parent Workshops
- Tutorial Services
- Educational Materials for Loan
- Student Workshops
- Information & Referrals
General Information
- The Title I Parent Center is located in the Pearl River community.
- Phone numbers 601-656-5724 or 601-656-0767
- Email dianne.johnston@choctawtribalschools.com
- The Mobile Education Resource Center
- Phone number 601-656-5724
- Bogue Homa Education Resource Center located at Sandersville, MS.
- Phone number 601-663-7640
- Email heather.adams@choctawtribalschools.com
- Crystal Ridge Education Center located in the Crystal Ridge community.
- Phone number 601-663-7640
- Email heather.adams@choctawtribalschools.com