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Adolescent Depression Awareness

Behavior Interventionist- Karla Weir, PhD., LPC, NCC, NCSC
It is important for parents and educators to notice the signs and symptoms of depression in adolescents. According to the World Health Organization,, one in six people diagnosed with depression are age 10-19. Depression may affect many aspects of an adolescent’s life and continue into adulthood. Learning what to look for is helpful in identifying when to seek help from a mental health professional. According to the “National Institute of Mental Illness”, the following signs indicate possible depression in teens. Anyone displaying the signs and symptoms below may contact the local behavioral health at 601-389-4150 for assistance. Resource information for hotlines is listed below.
What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Depression?
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Sadness is something we all experience. It is a normal reaction to a loss or a setback, but it usually passes with a little time. Depression is different.
If you are wondering if you may have depression, ask yourself these questions:
Do you constantly feel sad, anxious, or even “empty,” like you feel nothing?
Do you feel hopeless or like everything is going wrong?
Do you feel like you’re worthless or helpless? Do you feel guilty about things?
Do you feel irritable much of the time?
Do you find yourself spending more time alone and withdrawing from friends and family?
Are your grades dropping?
Have you lost interest or pleasure in activities and hobbies that you used to enjoy?
Have your eating or sleeping habits changed (eating or sleeping more than usual or less than usual)?
Do you always feel tired? Like you have less energy than normal or no energy at all?
Do you feel restless or have trouble sitting still?
Do you feel like you have trouble concentrating, remembering information, or making decisions?
Do you have aches or pains, headaches, cramps, or stomach problems without a clear cause?
Do you ever think about dying or suicide? Have you ever tried to harm yourself?
TXT 4 HELP Interactive ( “HOME” to 741741 and a trained crisis counselor will respond to you with support and information via text message.