If you need to anonymously report an incident, click HERE. Use the access code to let us know which school needs to be alerted:
- Bogue Chitto Elementary: BCESBRAVES
- Conehatta Elementary: CESCHOCTAWS
- Pearl River Elementary: PRESBRAVES
- Red Water Elementary: RWESBRAVES
- Standing Pine Elementary: SPESTIGERS
- Tucker Elementary: TESCHIEFS
- Choctaw Central Middle: CCMSWARRIOR
- Choctaw Central High: CCHSWARRIORS
- Career and Technical Education Center: CTECWARRIORS
What is Bullying?

Get Help Now
Resources for Bullying
Drugs and Alcohol
Peer Pressure:
The Cool Spot: The young teen’s place for information on alcohol and resisting peer pressure.
Get Help Resources:
National help resources
Get Information:
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism; Makes available free informational materials on many aspects of alcohol use, alcohol abuse, and alcoholism. (301) 443-3860
Be Drug Free:
Drug Free: A nonprofit support group
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:
Trained professionals available to help, not pry
S.A.F.E. Alternatives (Self-Abuse Finally Ends):
Information Line to help avoid self harm
Youth Beyond Blue:
Get help for youth
Cyber Abuse / Cyber Bullying
What is cyberbullying: is a national organization providing guidance for students
Get Help Now:
What kids can do:
Download the STOPit app to use to report incidences anonymously.

Types of Bullying
- Verbal bullying is saying or writing mean things. Verbal bullying includes:
- Teasing
- Name-calling
- Inappropriate sexual comments
- Taunting
- Threatening to cause harm
- Social bullying, sometimes referred to as relational bullying, involves hurting someone’s reputation or relationships. Social bullying includes:
- Leaving someone out on purpose
- Telling other children not to be friends with someone
- Spreading rumors about someone
- Embarrassing someone in public
- Physical bullying involves hurting a person’s body or possessions. Physical bullying includes:
- Hitting/kicking/pinching
- Spitting
- Tripping/pushing
- Taking or breaking someone’s things
- Making mean or rude hand gestures